CareerBOP - Delivery System

Delivery System
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Helping Kids Own Their Futures


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KC USA, Inc. / Multimedia Kids Content Company


Reach as many children as possible, on as many platforms as possible.

>Television Programming for Pre-Tweens: Go Go CareerBOP Jr.!  An entertaining and educational series about a group of pre-tweens and two adults.  Specific careers prompt adventures for the cast and the young viewer audience interacts to help them.

>Television Programming for Tweens: CareerBOP Prep U Up Club!  An entertaining and educational tween series about a lively group of teenagers and their quest to help their fellow students find the career path of their dreams. They mysteriously "meet" role models, professionals and celebs along the way, who give them tips on pursuing specific careers.

A full-scale technology and product line, driven by the positive and inspiring narrative of the TV programming, individual characters, online services, major events, and activities for home and school, to engage all age groups.

TV Show companion websites to feature online projects involving careers, sponsored prizes, animated games, show info, research links, a community for kids, parents and teachers and a searchable dedicated database with the career paths from each episode.

CareerBOP databases to provide a supplement to the TV Series database with a wider range of career listings online; and a curriculum-based database for schools and learning institutions.  


The above information is a brief overview, for details please contact Kirby


©2020 All original content herein copyrighted by Kirby & KC USA, Inc.


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